Wednesday, January 28, 2009

He's Home!!!!!!

Our sweet dog is home!!! The surgeon had no reservations about doing the surgery and did so yesterday afternoon. He came home today and isn't himself because he is so groggy and exhausted, but that's okay. His incision and stitches really scared Lily Kate, she cried a lot to be exact. We told them that his hair would grow back and he would be back to normal in no time. Thank you to everyone who had him in your prayers!!!!

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Bebe said...

Please give my neph-pup a kiss for me. Oh yeah, my niece and nephew too! I am so happy that he is doing well.

Anonymous said...

Oh Buffie! I'm so relieved!!! Coming from someone who's had to go through struggles with an older dog, I am SO happy that Jack's going to be okay!!! Miss you guys!!! XOXO -Allie