Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My little pixie.....

Today Lily Kate got her first haircut! I was so excited. It has gotten to the point of being so stringy and unmanageable. I had told myself I would wait until Michael came back from Iraq before I did anything. I wanted him to be here for her first haircut and I also was putting it off because I was afraid that once the curls got cut they wouldn't come back. As time has gone by, I have become more confident that the curls are permanent, so I finally made an appointment. Here is her before picture.....

She did great!! Chip (the kids hairdresser) said he wished more kids sang while they were getting their hair cut!!! As long as she was in my lap and had something to play with she was happy. He wet her hair and pointed to a specific amount to cut off and I said "that's fine" not really being able to tell because it was wet!! Oh my!! My little girl has a pixie cut!!! I know it will grow and it is already curling again, but all of her hair is gone!! I guess as long as I can still get a hair bow in it, I am fine.

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Jeffcoat House said...

Love it. She looks darling- and you're looking pretty hot too, girlie!

Dena said...

Sooooo cute - it already looks thicker and curlier!

LeslieW. said...

It will grow so fast! It looks great, it was time dude!