Anyway, before that, Mommy had Mom's night out last weekend. The theme was "date night". Our "cruise director" (she does all the planning for our playgroup each month, so we nicknamed her this!) thought it would be neat for us to pair up with another Mommy we don't normally get to chat with often and have dinner downtown, then all of us meet back up for dessert and drinks. This was fun!!!! We have a great cruise director and she is so creative. So I got paired with Dena and Mom came into town so she tagged along. Dena picked Tristan's. None of us had ever been here, but I do have to say that it was really great. I got White Tuna. It was so good!!!! Really flaky, buttery and light, like a monkfish or something. Below is what Dena got.....

No, your eyes didn't deceive you, that is a ribeye with the rib still in it. Excuse me, a $55 ribeye. She ate all of $20 worth.
So afterwards we headed to Kaminsky's dessert cafe, yum!!!! Claire's crazy brother Trey and his entourage of women joined us. In all of my days, even a young handsome thing like Trey with his entourage of chics want to join the Mommies...I guess we just totally rock!!!!

So really nothing earth shattering is going on. Lily Kate is getting some painful teeth in and is crabby. Mac is doing so well on the potty training!!! The writers strike couldn't come at a better time as the political arena is keeping us entertained. Somebody has a birthday next week, so stay tuned!!! Hehehe!!!
That all sounds like great fun! Glad you gave an update- I've been missing reading about Dem Jones!
I miss reading the Jonsie love too! Glad you are doing great;)
That's all good stuff dude and there's sooo much more fun stuff going on - at least now I feel like I have gotten $30 worth of press out of that steak! hahahaha!
Next time we'll hit t-bones!
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