Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Playgroup Tuesday

Well, it's Tuesday, and that means playgroup!!! Yah!!!! We are so glad to be back home and in our regular routine. Mac was so excited to see his friends and other "Mommies"!! He greeted everyone so cheerfully. Since it was so hot, we headed to the BK playroom, I guess that is what you would call it. It was secluded from the dining area so the kids could go wild, but all us Mom's cared about was that it had A/C!!! We only got one picture because we had quite a catastrophe occur. It wouldn't be playgroup without a little chaos!!! Mac comes to me and informs me in his own way that he is messy and needs a diaper change. I notice it is on his hand and turn him around to find that the diaper just didn't get the job done; oh yes, it's everywhere. Even on his foot. Lovely. After commanding the whole play area to freeze, I check things out and spot a skid mark down the slide. Nice. I am so proud.

Well, these things happen, and at my summoning, all of my oh-so-wonderful Mommy friends jump into action. One with wipes, one with anti-bacterial hand soap, one to the BK kitchen crew for back up and one to Target (which was fortunately a hop-skip-and-jump away) for another outfit. What a blessing I have in my life, these wonderful women, PTL!!!! All of the other Mommies quickly helped scan all of the children to make sure they weren't smeared somehow. I mean, how crazy can it get??!!!! Well, on second thought, stick around and I am sure I can let you know!!! As Michael would say, "just makin' memories!!!"


Jeffcoat House said...

That's good! We like'em dirty! Memories and chilrens!

Dena said...

So glad I missed THAT - Girl you always gots something going on!!!

LeslieW. said...

I know it was crazy, but I'm still giggling over that! Nothin' like a poop-sident to make the day memorable!

Lindsay said...

aww..that is one for the scrapbook(blog-book). Glad everyone was quick to help! Thank God you wern't by yourself!

Susie said...

I have to say that I miss you terribly but I didn't miss that! We were delivering dinner to a friend on Tuesday and ran out of time to make BK. Maybe it was a blessing....