Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

My two favorite junkyard dawgs!!!!

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Anonymous said...

Take those ugly shirts off of our kids. If we want them to be winners they need to be wearing the Big Orange "T". Go Vols. (And so it begins). I love you honey.

Susie said...

I love it! Gooooo Dawgs....sick 'em WHOOF, WHOOF, WHOOF! I want one for William!

Dena said...

Girl - you better be glad you SEC! I must admit they are too too cute as DAWGS!!!!

Lindsay said...

Cute! Michaels comment made me laugh!

FabulousLee Fun Twin Tales said...

Oh, now that's sad. I sure might feel a little bad when the GATORS whoop on on dem dawgs again this year!

LeslieW. said...

Precious!!! Your hubby's pretty funny!