Friday, September 7, 2007

Mommy time...

Okay concerned friends and family, you will be happy to know that I finally got to take some Mommy time today. I secured a sitter (Lily Kate is on antibiotics for some bad chest congestion/croup and we didn't want to infect anyone else...please don't be offended Granny Nannie, Melissa and Lindsay!!) and at lunch took off for a day of whatever! I didn't get back home until 8pm!!! It was nice and very productive. I got a pedi, had a very leisurely lunch during which I read the paper (don't get to do that very often!) and then I ran errands that would have been a little tough with two in tow. My babysitter totally rocked tonight; both kids were bathed and Lily Kate was in bed when I got home!!! Thank you Miss Ali, you saved my sanity!!!! Whew!!!!

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Jeffcoat House said...

Whoo hoo!! Don't you feel like different person; well, renewed anyway! good for you. Poor LK; I hope she is better soon and I pray against any spreading!

FabulousLee Fun Twin Tales said...

So glad you had some "me-time"! It makes all the difference. Hope Lilly Kate recovers quickly & that Mac doesn't get it.

Lindsay said...

yes! Glad you had a great day!

LeslieW. said...

That is awesome girl, I am slightly jealous...I'm in desperate need for a pedi! I hope you get more days like that soon.

Dena said...

Hooray Miss ALLI! I am glad LK is feeling better and I am soooo glad you got a little YOU time - can't wait to see the toes - hope they are GA red!